Keynote Address
How to Apply and Interview for a Faculty Position
Polina Golland
Professor, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
This talk will demystify the steps of applying and interviewing for a faculty position. We will discuss strategies and share tips collected over the years in discussions with colleagues and candidates. The talk is intended to be a dialog, so please bring your questions and be ready to participate!
Polina Golland is a Henry Ellis Warren (1894) professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT and a principal investigator in the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). Her primary research interest is in developing novel techniques for medical image analysis and understanding. With her students, Polina has demonstrated novel machine learning and geometric approaches to image segmentation, shape analysis, functional image analysis and population studies. She has served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging and of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis. Polina is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of Medical Image Analysis. She is a Fellow of the International Society for Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI) and of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). With her colleagues, Polina co-founded Rising Stars in EECS and Rising Stars in Biomedical.
Additional Talks
How to Get the Most Out of Rising Stars
Speakers: Eunsol Choi & Jean Anne Incorvia
The Applicant View
Speakers: Neeraja Yadwadkar & Amy Pavel
The Committee’s View
Speakers: Aditya Akella & Dan Wasserman
Speakers: Don Fussell & Diana Marculescu
What is this Job Anyway?
Setting Research Agenda
Speaker: TBD
Funding Research Agenda
Speaker: Xiuling Li
Mentoring Students
Speaker: TBD
Speaker: Neal Hall